Boolean Networks

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First proposed by Stuart Kauffman[1], Boolean Network (BN) is a way to model the dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks. A Boolean Network is comprised of gene states and their corresponding input (update) functions. Each gene takes on the value of either 1 or 0 (ON or OFF), and the state of the gene is the realization of inputs from the previous time step. In a general case of Random Boolean Networks,

Following the convention of BN/PBN Toolbox (Lähdesmäki & Shmulevich)[2], we have developed a general framework for implementing Multicell Boolean Networks[3] in Biocellion. In Multicell Boolean Networks, the user is able to implement up to two different Boolean Networks for specified cells. It requires users to input 5 parameter file:

  • Cell Location File (i.e. pcc_qwang_phi0.12.txt)
  • NV File (i.e. pcc_qwang_.nv)
  • Truth Table File (i.e.
  • varF File (i.e. pcc_qwang.varf)
  • Initial State File (i.e.
-Insert how to set it up.
  1. Kauffman, S. A. (1969). "Metabolic stability and epigenesis in randomly constructed genetic nets". Journal of Theoretical Biology. 22 (3): 437–467. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(69)90015-0. PMID 5803332